In this week’s episode of Project Management Paradise Johnny discusses the difference between project success and project management success with Rich Maltzman from .
Rich has over 26 years’ experience in Project Management and has a strong focus on sustainability within Project Management. He has his PMP and teaches at the University Level. Rich co-founded EarthPM in 2008 and has written 2 books and also blogs regularly. He started his career as an engineer and now is in his 38th year at a major telecom where he has vast Project Management experience and currently leads this Global PMO comprising of several thousand Project Managers.
During the course of the interview, and as well as explaining the difference between project success and project management success, Rich gives examples of how each type of success can be measured.
The podcast is sponsored by Cora Systems providers of enterprise project and portfolio management solutions and services to government agencies and large-scale global organizations. To see how Cora can help transform your organization why not request a free personalized Demo.
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Show Notes
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Find out more about EarthPM here
Read Rich’s Projects At Work Blog here
Benefits Realization documents from PMI: Identify benefits to drive results and Focus on benefits during project execution
Books by Rich: Green Project Management and Driving Project, Program, and Portfolio Success: The Sustainability Wheel