by Project Management Paradise | Sep 29, 2017 | Episodes
So today, it is my pleasure to have Stephen Carver back on the show. Stephen was our guest back in Episode 42 where he shared some valuable insights about how to manage the 3 major types of project complexity. Rated consistently as one of the top lecturers at...
by Project Management Paradise | Sep 22, 2017 | Episodes
So today, it is my pleasure to have Joe Ryan back on the show. Joe was our guest back in Episode 33 and is Head of the Programme for Health Service Improvement in the Health Service Executive in Ireland. The Health Service Executive also known as the HSE is the...
by Project Management Paradise | Sep 15, 2017 | Episodes
So today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to John Seddon from Vanguard Consulting, an author of a number of books including The Vanguard Method and Freedom from Command and Control: Rethinking Management for Lean Service. In this interview, John shares with us how...
by Project Management Paradise | Sep 8, 2017 | Episodes
So today, I am really excited to introduce you to world renowned author of Getting Things Done, David Allen. Getting Things Done or GTD as it’s also known has been published in 30 languages and sold around 2 million copies with training in its principles franchised...
by Project Management Paradise | Sep 1, 2017 | Episodes
In this episode, I am excited to introduce you to Jesse Fewell from Fewell Innovation. Jesse Fewell is a writer, coach, and trainer in innovation and agile methods and has helped teams across the world deliver products faster with higher quality. Jesse recently spoke...